The income tax in Richland County, South Carolina is a tax imposed on all money earned and received during the year. Under federal law, income through any source may be taxed. The federal government has had explicit constitutional authority to impose an income tax since 1916, with the passage of the 16th Amendment. This came after the Supreme Court had consistently found a federal income tax to be unconstitutional. States, including South Carolina, have always been allowed to impose whatever type of income tax they liked.
While the federal income tax applies to everyone in the United States, the income taxes imposed by individual states vary widely, and some states have no income tax at all. You should consult with a Richland County, South Carolina tax Lawyer or accountant to find out if your state is one of them.
Income Tax Deductions in Richland County, South Carolina
A tax deduction is a reduction in the portion of a person's income that is taxable, resulting in a reduced tax liability. For example, suppose your income tax rate is 10%, and you had ,000 in income last year. If you received a ,000 tax deduction, your taxable income would be ,000, and you would have to pay 10% on that. So, it would lower your tax liability from to .
Don't confuse a tax deduction with a tax credit. A tax credit simply lowers your tax bill by the amount of the credit. A tax credit typically reduces your tax bill more than a reduction of the same amount.
Under federal law, numerous expenses in Richland County are tax-deductible, including interest paid on a mortgage, charitable donations, the price of tax advice, and union or professional dues, among many others.
How Can A Richland County, South Carolina Tax Attorney Help?
Income tax laws can get quite complex, particularly when large amounts of money from multiple sources are involved. It would not be a bad idea to call a Richland County, South Carolina tax Lawyer to avoid the consequences of under-paying, and to prevent you from over-paying.