The income tax in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania is a tax imposed on all money earned and received during the year. Under federal law, income through any source may be taxed. The federal government imposes an income tax on all persons and entities present in the United States. The authority to tax incomes was granted to the federal government in 1913 with the ratification of the 16th Amendment to the Constitution. Before that time, the Supreme Court had found a federal income tax unconstitutional, prompting the passage of the amendment. Of course, individual states, including Pennsylvania, were allowed to impose income taxes as they saw fit.
The federal income tax must be paid by everyone in the U.S. However, you must only pay the state income tax of the state you live in. You should talk with a financial adviser or tax Lawyer in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania if you are not clear about what your state and federal tax liability.
Income Tax Deductions in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania
A tax deduction is a reduction in the portion of a person's income that is taxable, resulting in a reduced tax liability. For example, suppose your income tax rate is 10%, and you had ,000 in income last year. If you received a ,000 tax deduction, your taxable income would be ,000, and you would have to pay 10% on that. So, it would lower your tax liability from to .
This should not be conflated with a tax credit, which is a reduction in your tax bill. A tax credit usually results in a greater reduction in tax liability than a reduction in the same amount.
Many expenses in Bethel Park are tax-deductible, such as interest paid on mortgages, charitable contributions, the cost of tax advice, and union dues, among others.
How Can A Bethel Park, Pennsylvania Tax Attorney Help?
Income tax laws are notoriously complex. If you reside in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania and run into any type of tax problems, including an audit or wage garnishment, a local tax Lawyer would almost certainly be able to help.