What is Foreclosure in Cumberland, Maryland?

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Foreclosure is the process through which the lender in a mortgage takes ownership and/or possession of the property that secured the original loan. This happens when a debtor in Cumberland, Maryland has repeatedly failed to make their payments. Foreclosure usually results in the property being sold in an auction. Banks usually want to get rid of the property as soon as possible, even if it means taking a financial hit, and an auction is the easiest way to do this.

In all states in the United States, including Maryland, foreclosure by judicial sale is an option. This allows the sale to be conducted under the supervision of a court, to ensure that the bank makes a good faith effort to get a fair price, and that the proceeds above and beyond the balance of the mortgage (if there are any) go back to the debtor. In many states, original mortgages are considered non-recourse loans, meaning that if the house is foreclosed and sold for less than the debtor owes, the bank cannot go after the debtor for the remainder. You should consult with an Attorney in Cumberland, Maryland to see if this is the case. However, this usually doesn't apply if the mortgage has been refinanced.

How Can I Avoid Foreclosure in Maryland?

First of all, you shouldn't ignore the problem. You should stay in contact with your bank, and be honest with them. Ignoring the issue will not make it go away. It is crucial to remember that banks don't really want to own homes in Cumberland. In issuing a mortgage, they expect to make a profit through interest on the loan, and they'd prefer to continue collecting from you. Therefore, they're likely to make reasonable accommodations to your financial situation if it will enable you to keep paying them in the long run.

If no deal can be worked out, or the mortgage payments have become prohibitive, you might consider a "short sale". While the lender has to consent to it, many will take a moderate loss if it means avoiding foreclosure (which lenders generally treat as a last resort). This allows you to sell the house for whatever price it can fetch on the current market, and hand the proceeds over to the bank. If the sale nets less than the balance, some or all of the deficiency might be forgiven. There is also the option of a "short refinance," which forgives a significant portion of your mortgage debt, and refinances the rest.

How Can A Cumberland, Maryland Attorney Help?

If you are facing the possibility of foreclosure, a good Cumberland, Maryland real estate Attorney can help. At the very least, they will be able to inform you of your legal options.

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Life in Cumberland

Located in the far western corner of Maryland, Cumberland is a small city full of big charm. Cumberland boasts a population of just under 22,000 inhabitants and is located 130 miles from the state capital of Baltimore. Mountains, heavy rainfall, and snow make for four lovely seasons in Cumberland.

On the top of the list for visitors to Cumberland: George Washington Headquarters, a famous location that the city boasts the first president of the United States actually slept. In addition to Washington's sleeping quarters, there are many other historically interesting sites to be explored by visitors and residents alike. Whether looking for an outdoor or indoor activity, Cumberland has it all for those who visit.

There are five local schools in Cumberland. There are also many talented lawyers in Cumberland, Maryland that have years of experience in helping their local clients meet their legal needs. Cumberland lawyers are talented and have practice ranges as broad as the many issues their clients face. Cumberland lawyers are happy to use their legal knowledge to help their clients win their case. Cumberland is a great place to live, visit, and to find a great lawyer.