Consumer Bankruptcy Lawyers in Brea, California

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Bankruptcy is a legal procedure that allows an individual or business to have some or all of their debts discharged. It is usually considered as an option of last resort, because while it can stave off financial disaster, it has some significant long-term consequences warranting careful consideration of the costs and benefits. Bankruptcy is a creation of federal law, and goes through federal courts. Therefore, the procedure governing bankruptcy in California will be roughly the same as it is anywhere else in the U.S. But individual courts have different rules for what property is exempt, so you should consult a local Brea, California before you file.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Brea, California

There are 2 common forms of consumer bankruptcy in Brea, California: Chapter 7 and 13. Chapter 7 bankruptcy involves liquidation of some of the debtor's assets. It requires some percentage of the debtor's property to be sold in order to pay off as much of his or her debt as possible. However, the majority of property that most people own is exempt. This usually includes homes, vehicles, insurance policies, and retirement accounts. These do not need to be sold.

Once all non-exempt assets are sold, and the money from the sales turned over to the creditors, most remaining debt is discharged. But some types of debt cannot be discharged through Chapter 7 bankruptcy. These include child support payments, student loans, and criminal fines, among others. If most of your Brea, California debts are not dischargeable, you might want to consider options other than bankruptcy.

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Brea, California

In Brea, California, Chapter 13 is quite different from Chapter 7. Chapter 13 may or may not be the best choice for you; this depends on the facts of your particular situation. Chapter 13 bankruptcy does not discharge debt. Instead, it restructures it. This involves the bankruptcy court coming up with a new payment plan that supersedes the terms of the agreements that gave rise to the debt in the first place. This results in a new payment plan that the debtor should find manageable, if he or she can make a few sacrifices.

Which Type of Consumer Bankruptcy Should I File in Brea, California

This depends entirely on the facts of your particular case. If you have a decent amount of steady income, and a large amount of non-exempt property which you don't want to part with, Chapter 13 might be the best option for you. If most of your property is exempt, and you don't have much steady income, Chapter 7 might be the best option.

In any case, you should talk with a local Brea, California bankruptcy Attorney. Your Attorney can advise you of your options and inform you of their likely consequences. This will make it much easier for your to make an informed choice.

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Life in Brea

Brea, California is a city in Orange County, California. Its population is slightly under 40,000 people. Brea is known for its warm climate, high standard of living, and low crime rates. In 2006, it was named by Sunset Magazine as one of the best suburbs to live in the Western United States.

Brea, California can trace its origins back to the late 1800s, when oil was discovered across much of Southern California. Brea became a boomtown as the oil industry moved in.

These days, the economy of Brea, California is largely dominated by banking, finance, retail, and other service-based industries. Many white-collar professionals, such as attorneys, live and work in Brea, California. Brea, California is the birthplace of Cruz Reynoso, a prominent civil rights lawyer, and the first Hispanic justice on the California Supreme Court.

There are many other lawyers in Brea, California who are not as famous as Mr. Reynoso, but who tirelessly advocate for their clients every day. If you need legal help, you could do a lot worse than finding a Brea, California lawyer.